During the first downtown market of the year for the town of Clifton Forge, a place where creativity and innovation collide, a young artist emerged to shake the foundations of the art world. Her name: Abigail Padgett.
Padgett, an 18-year-old prodigy whose brushstrokes are redefining the boundaries of talent, has a style that is bold, ethereal, and showcases a vibrant palette. From the intricate details of her paintings to the emotional depth of her subjects, every stroke of Abigail’s brush seems to radiate
with a vitality that is impossible to ignore. This talented teenager took the time to speak to the Virginian Review about her breathtaking masterpieces that showcase a level of talent and creativity beyond her tender years.
“I’ve always been pretty artsy,” Padgett said, who only began her painting journey seven years ago. “I’ve never gotten into it like this until recently. I pretty much do all oil [paintings] now. I already made that transition, so everything I do is oil… I dabbled in oil and acrylic when I was
little. I started with oil and then, well I was only 11, so I used to love wasting, like $7 bottles of paint,” the artist laughed. “My mom was like, ‘this is getting outrageous. Oil is too expensive.’ So I went back to acrylic.”
However, it wouldn’t be long before Padgett decided to return to her first love of oil-based paints. Only this time, with maturity and experience on her side, the paint was no longer being wasted, but found its way to the canvas instead. As her love of painting grew, so did her collection that now splatters the walls of her well-decorated home.
Needless to say, Abigail Padgett is an artist to watch. Her works are a harmonious blend of instinct and intuition, capturing nature, animals, and various fruits in dynamic and bold colors.
She has a remarkable way of bringing her paintings to life and infusing them with a sense of vulnerability and realism that often takes the breath away of the viewer.
You can find Ms. Padgett at the Downtown Market in Clifton Forge all summer from 3:30 PM—6:30 PM on Thursday nights or at the Covington Farmers Market every weekend. She is available to take commissions on pet portraits, house portraits, and personal landscape pieces.
For all other inquiries or to speak to this remarkable young artist, you can call her directly at 540-420-3904 or send an email to abigailpadgettart@gmail.com.