Attorney William T. Wilson and Lang, his wife, provided Appalfolks of America Association (AAA) with a charitable donation on Wed., Dec. 28.
The Wilsons are past recipients of the Helping Hands Award, an annual award that AAA presents for charitable giving, and “Bill” has provided financial support to AAA for the past three decades.
He was supportive of AAA and TAP (Total Action Against Poverty) in the late 1980s when AAA and TAP combined forces to form the Alleghany Highlands Literacy Volunteer, an outreach program designed to help adults learn to read.
The Alleghany County Board of Supervisors designated both TAP and AAA as the Alleghany Highlands’ official literacy organizations.
Bill is the president of the Jackson River Preservation Association and a former delegate to the Commonwealth of Virginia’s House of Delegates.
He spearheaded Senior Law Day at Mountain Gateway Community College earlier during the year after COVID-19 sidetracked the program for 2020 and 2021.
Lang has served as Christmas Mother, an Alleghany Highlands charitable program that has operated for the past seven decades to celebrate the birth of Christ by practicing “paying it forward” during Christmas.
The organization garners donations and gifts to provide charitable assistance to needy families for Christmas.
Bill once competed in a black powder shooting match in 1989 against his political opponent, Malfourd W. “Bo” Trumbo, during AAA’s Mountain Heritage Festival at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College, renamed Mountain Gateway Community College on July 1.
The outcome was that both Bill and Bo hit the bullseye, rendering the shooting match too close to call.