Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
November 9, 1923
99 Years Ago
Free Officers On Murder Charge
Sheriff William Dean and Deputies Charles Jack and Joseph Lord were found not guilty of muder in connection with the killing of Edward Sonners when the officers raided a card game, in a verdict returned last night. Judge J. M. Woods had instructed the jury to find verdicts of acquittal in the cases against Sheriff Dean and Deputy Jack and that involuntary manslaughter was the maximum verdict that could be returned against Deputy Lord in event he was found guilty. The jury deliberated for half an hour.
November 9, 1957
65 Years Ago
U.S. Plane, 44 Aboard, Missing Over Pacific
Forty-four persons were missing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean today after their plane, bound from San Francisco to Hawaii, disappeared from the skies. A Pan American Airways spokesman said the plane’s fuel could have lasted no longer than 3 a.m. PST (6 a.m. EST) and the plane was presumed down on the surface of the ocean.
November 9, 1982
40 Years Ago
Workers Face Tax Increase
While a blue ribbon panel considers ways to hike Social Security taxes or reduce benefits to bail out the troubled systems, nearly 10 million American workers and their employers already are getting word that they will have to pay $3.6 billion more in Social Security payments next year. Social Security’s old age fund, which had to borrow for the first time in history last month to cover the November checks, faces shortages of $100 billion to $200 billion during the rest of the 1980s.
November 9, 2002
20 Years Ago
D-Day Memorial Files Bankruptcy
The National D-Day Memorial Foundation in Bedford, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to protect the $25 struggles with a massive debt, foundation officials said Friday. Foundation President William A. McIntosh said the memorial will stay open and visitors should not notice a change.
November 9, 2007
15 Years Ago
CHS Holds Veterans Day Program
Veterans, as well as firefighters, EMS and Law enforcement personnel were honored during this morning’s program. Students and staff greeted honored guests afterward to thank them for their service. In photo below, Trevor Honeycutt, right, an eighth grade student at Covington High School, greets local veteran Joe VasDias following the Veterans Day program.