IRON AGTE, Va. (VR) – On Monday, March 17, the Iron Gate Town Council met for a work session. Among the topics up for discussion during the work session was the Jennifer Simpson case.
This case first began back in 2019, with a pipe that burst on Simpson’s property. In reference to the Council’s plan to address the case, Mayor Persinger said that there is not much of a way to put things in motion until after the case clears the court system.
Also, up for discussion was the homeless population in Iron Gate. Approximately two weeks ago, a homeless person went into the Rusty Hinge multiple times but didn’t bother anything according to Mayor Persinger. “Then he went to the post office and was planning on camping out at the post office. “ Someone from the Rusty Hinge reportedly called the Sheriff’s office.
Someone from the Sheriff’s office then came down and got the individual. Mayor Persinger said she wasn’t sure where the individual had been taken. The mayor went on to say that on Sunday, a second homeless person showed up and was seen by town crew member Junior Wilmore. This person was said to have visited Councilman Neil Hardesty’s house. The individual‘s whereabouts are currently unknown but it’s thought he may have gone over to the Garten property. The Gartens were made aware of the situation.
Mayor Persinger advised all residents to be very vigilant and check their buildings and garages. She also advised if you leave your car unlocked check the back before you get in.
To end the meeting, the mayor appointed several committee members as follows:
Ordinances: Vice Mayor Brandon Marshall and Councilwoman Norvella Burrell;
Buildings and Grounds: Vice Mayor Brandon Marshall and Mayor Kawahna Persinger;
Streets: Councilman Neil Hardesty and Councilwoman Norvella Burrell;
Personnel: Councilwoman Jennifer Tyree and Vice Mayor Brandon Marshall;
Budget and Finance: Town Clerk Ashley Prior Councilwoman Jennifer Tyree and Councilman Neil Hardesty.