CHESTER, Va. (VR) – As Severe Weather Awareness Week, which runs Monday, March 10 – Friday, March 14, kicks off in Virginia, Columbia Gas of Virginia is reminding customers of the steps they can take to prepare for potential severe weather this spring.
“In Virginia, some of the severe weather threats we face in the spring include thunderstorms, flooding and tornadoes, so get ready now,” said Columbia Gas of Virginia President and Chief Operating Officer Jennifer Montague. “One of the most important steps our customers can take is to have an emergency plan, and that plan should include safety information that is unique to natural gas.”
Here’s what you need to know for severe weather:
- Have an emergency plan and practice it with your family.
- Label gas valves, water valves and electricity main switches. Teach responsible family members how and when to turn them off.
- Store any flammable liquids, such as gasoline, paint and cleaning products away from any natural gas appliance with a pilot light.
- If your appliances have been impacted by severe weather, do not attempt to place natural gas appliances back in service yourself. A qualified professional should check, clean, repair and test all gas appliances and pipes.
- If you smell the sulfur-like “rotten egg” odor of natural gas or think there may be a gas leak, stop what you are doing, leave the area immediately, and then call 911 and the Columbia Gas emergency line at 1-800-544-5606.
Flooding safety tips:
- In the event of a flood, turn off electrical power to each appliance and leave it off.
- If the natural gas is shut off at the meter, call Columbia Gas of Virginia to turn it back on for you.
- If water levels were high enough to cover the gas meter, call us to check your meter and regulator before using your gas appliances. Floodwaters may have shifted your home or caused other stresses, possibly resulting in a natural gas leak.
- For more severe weather and flooding safety tips, visit
weather-safety/severe-storm- safety.
Other safety tips:
- Call 811 before you dig: Whether your outdoor project is big or small, call 811 at least three business days before you dig. Your local utilities will mark their lines so you can dig safely. It’s free to homeowners. It’s easy. It’s the law. Visit or for more information about 811 and safe digging practices.
- Keep your meter clear: Don’t let debris build up on or around your natural gas meter. Take time to gently clear the meter with a broom, and never hang or place any objects on or around your natural gas meter or piping.
- Avoiding encroachments: Encroachments within pipeline easements can be a safety hazard. It is important that property owners understand the importance of keeping these areas clear. Nothing should be placed within the limits of the easement area. More information can be found at
For more home safety tips, visit
Bill payment assistance
We know there are times when it may be difficult for you to pay your bill. To find out more about the resources available to help you manage your energy bill and pay down past due balances, call us at 1-800-543-8911 or visit
About Columbia Gas of Virginia
Columbia Gas of Virginia delivers clean, dependable and efficient natural gas to approximately 290,000 customers in more than 100 communities across the Commonwealth. With headquarters in Chesterfield County, it is one of six regulated utility companies of NiSource (NYSE: NI), one of the largest fully-regulated utility companies in the United States. NiSource employees are focused on our mission to deliver safe, reliable energy that drives value to our customers. More information about Columbia Gas of Virginia and NiSource, including our record of leadership in sustainability, investments in the communities we serve, and how we live our vision to be an innovative and trusted energy partner, is available at and