COVINGTON, Va. (VR) – The Covington Woman’s Club held their annual, student art and writing contest reception at the Alleghany Highlands Regional Library on Thursday, Feb. 27. This annual event is sponsored by the Woman’s Club and according to Nancy Moga, CWC writing chair, this event has been held for over 41 years. Moga explained that the blue ribbon winners in each section will go on to the district level and then state. The contest consisted of students from AHPS, Boys Home and homeschooled students. One guest admiring the artwork stated, “We have a lot of talent in this area, they are all so good!”
The art and writing pieces will be on display until March 20 at the library.

L-R Front Row: Kaylynne McDavid Kilgore, Harmony Ramos, Luke Davis, Chloe Davis; L-R Back Row: Kaylee Snook, Laney Rice, Kylie Fridley, Kayla Brookman (Christopher Mentz photo)