Town Of Iron Gate
P.O. Box 199
401 Commerce Avenue
Iron Gate, VA 24448
Phone: (540) 862-0770
The Iron Gate Town Council Meeting was held November 28th, 2024 at 7 p.m. in Town Hall
Vice Mayor Erskine gave the invocation.
The Pledge of Allegiance was then cited.
The meeting officially began at 7:01 p.m.
Mayor Gary Craig, Vice Mayor Richard Erskine, Councilperson Jennifer Tyree, Councilperson Kawahna
Persinger, Councilperson Brandon Marshall, Councilperson G.W. Reynolds, and Town Clerk/Treasurer
Ashley Prior. In attendance for the community are, Michael Jeffries, Jimmy Jeffries, and Paul and Pamela
Handwerk, Paul and Joyce Anderson, Michael Prior, Brenda Lindsay, and Attorney Jim Guynn. Also
present, Jennifer Bailey of the Alleghany Journal, David Crosier of the Bath County Recorder, Joe
Dashiell of WDBJ 7, and Deputy Todd Ailstock.
Approval of Minutes:
Mayor Craig stated he needs a motion to change the agenda, and add a closed session under legal 2.2-
3711 Item 7 to the beginning of the meeting. A motion was made by Vice Mayor Erskine, and seconded
by Councilperson Reynolds. A roll call vote was taken.
Councilperson Tyree – “Yes”
Councilperson Persinger – “Yes”
Councilperson Reynolds – “Yes”
Councilperson Marshall – “Yes”
Vice Mayor Erskine – “Yes”
The motion carries unanimously to change the agenda.
The time being 7:06 pm, Mayor Craig stated he needs a motion to go into closed session under legal 2.2-
3711 Item 7. A motion was made by Vice Mayor Erskine and seconded by Councilperson Marshall. A
roll call vote was taken.
Councilperson Tyree – “Yes”
Councilperson Persinger – “Yes”
Councilperson Reynolds – “Yes”
Councilperson Marshall – “Yes”
Vice Mayor Erskine – “Yes”
The motion carries unanimously to go into closed session, Mayor Craig stated during closed session they
will only discuss legal matters within the town, and nothing will be voted on. After closed session there
will be a vote under new business under legal.
The time being 7:39 pm, Mayor Craig stated he needs a motion to come out of closed session under legal
2.2-3711 Item 7. A motion was made by Vice Mayor Erskine and seconded by Councilperson Reynolds.
A roll call vote was taken.
Councilperson Tyree – “Yes”
Councilperson Persinger – “Yes”
Councilperson Reynolds – “Yes”
Councilperson Marshall – “Yes”
Vice Mayor Erskine – “Yes”
The motion carries unanimously to come out of closed session under legal 2.2-3711 Item 7. At this time, I
would like to affirm nothing was discussed in closed session other than legal matters. Mayor Craig asked
if there were any comments, questions or concerns. There were none.
Mayor Craig said for approval on the regular council meeting minutes, on October 30th, 2024. We did not
have enough for quorum for a work session on November 18 th , 2024. Mayor Craig said that everyone has
received their packets, and asked if anyone has any comments, questions, or concerns, or changes.
Hearing none, Mayor Craig asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Motion was made by
Councilperson Tyree and seconded by Councilperson Persinger. Mayor Craig said all of those in favor
signify by saying “Aye.”
Hearing no opposition, motion carries to approve the minutes.
Receipts and Disbursements:
Mayor Craig said that council has received the receipts and disbursements in their packets. Mayor Craig
asked if there were any other comments, questions, or concerns, there were none. Mayor Craig asked for a
motion to approve the Receipts and Disbursements. Motion was made by Councilperson Persinger and
seconded by Councilperson Marshall. Mayor Craig said all of those in favor signify by saying “Aye.”
Hearing no opposition, motion carries to approve receipts and disbursements.
Mayor Craig then asked for a motion to pay the bills as money becomes available. A motion was given by
Vice Mayor Erskine and seconded by Councilperson Reynolds. Mayor Craig asked if there were any
comments, questions, or concerns, there were none. A roll call vote was taken.
Councilperson Tyree – “Yes”
Councilperson Persinger – “Yes”
Councilperson Reynolds – “Yes”
Councilperson Marshall – “Yes”
Vice Mayor Erskine – “Yes”
The motion carries unanimously.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Craig reminisced on the past several years as Mayor. We have a great Public Works crew
including our part time drivers. Mayor Craig spoke highly of the town’s Public Works Supervisor Junior
Wilmore. Mayor Craig thanked the citizens of the town. Mayor Craig moved on to Committee Reports.
Committee Reports:
Mayor Craig asked if there were any committee reports and there were none.
Public Comments:
Mayor Craig asked if there were any Public Comments. Ashley stated Mr. Anderson. Mayor Craig said
they have left. Mayor Craig asked if anyone has any comments, questions, or concerns. Mr. Handwerk
said it’s a thankless job, I have been there and done that. Mr. Handwerk asked how many committees the
town has. Mayor Craig said we have five or six committees. Council mentioned there are a variety of
committees that any resident is welcome to join. Mayor Craig said if anyone has an interest you can
submit your letter of interest to Ashley and she will pass it to council. Mayor Craig asked if anyone has
any comments, questions, or concerns. There were none.
Old Business:
Mayor Craig asked if anyone has anything. Councilperson Persinger addresses the possibility of having
the town Christmas Dinner on December 16 th . It was determined that the town didn’t have the funds for
this year. Mayor Craig said you are one hundred percent correct. There was a brief discussion as to what
days to have the December Council Meeting and Work Session. There was a discussion between Mayor
Craig and Mr. Paul Handwerk regarding the size of Mr. Handwerk’s building. Mayor Craig then asked if
there were any comments, questions, or concerns. There were none.
New Business:
Mayor Craig asked Brenda Lindsay if she would be the interim liaison Zoning Commissioner for six
months starting December 1st, 2024. Brenda Lindsay said yes, six months. Mayor Craig asked for a
motion for Brenda Lindsay to be the interim liaison Zoning Commissioner for the next six months
beginning December 1st, 2024. A motion was given by Vice Mayor Erskine, and seconded by
Councilperson Reynolds. Mayor Craig asked if there were any comments, questions, or concerns, there
were none. A roll call vote was taken.
Councilperson Tyree – “Yes”
Councilperson Persinger – “Yes”
Councilperson Reynolds – “Yes”
Councilperson Marshall – “Yes”
Vice Mayor Erskine – “Yes”
The motion carries unanimously.
Mayor Craig read the Oath where Mr. Michael Prior was sworn in for the Board of Zoning Appeals, that
is effective as of November 15th, 2024. Mayor Craig presented a utility adjustment to council. Mayor
Craig asked for a motion to adjust the sewer portion on the utility bill. A motion was given by Vice
Mayor Erskine, and seconded by Councilperson Marshall. Mayor Craig asked if there were any
comments, questions, or concerns, there were none. A roll call vote was taken.
Councilperson Tyree – “Yes”
Councilperson Persinger – “Yes”
Councilperson Reynolds – “Yes”
Councilperson Marshall – “Yes”
Vice Mayor Erskine – “Yes”
The motion carries unanimously.
Mayor Craig began reading the resignation of our Zoning Commissioner, Charles W. “Chuck” Unroe.
November 26th, 2024
The Honorable Gary Craig
This letter is to serve as my official resignation from the appointed position of Zoning Administrator for
the Town of Iron Gate effective immediately. I have returned all the code books that I had in my position
to Ashley at Town Hall.
I enjoyed my time serving the residents of the town, and hope nothing but the best for the future of the
town, but since there is currently no appointed Board of Zoning Appeals in place, the zoning approval
and legal appeal process as outlined in the adopted zoning ordinance is not possible.
Respectfully submitted,
Charles W “Chuck” Unroe
Mayor Craig told Ashley she needs to reach out to everyone on the Board of Zoning Appeals and see if
they would like to step up to the zoning administrator position. Mayor Craig asked for a motion to accept
Chuck’s resignation. A motion was given by Vice Mayor Erskine, and seconded by Councilperson
Tyree. Mayor Craig asked if there were any comments, questions, or concerns, there were none. A roll
call vote was taken.
Councilperson Tyree – “Yes”
Councilperson Persinger – “Yes”
Councilperson Reynolds – “Yes”
Councilperson Marshall – “Yes”
Vice Mayor Erskine – “Yes”
The motion carries unanimously.
Mayor Craig asked if Deputy Ailstock has anything. Mr. Ailstock said speeding seems to be calming
down. As the temperature drops so does speeding. Mr. Ailstock added that he wrote eleven tickets the
prior week. Mayor Craig and Deputy Ailstock spoke briefly regarding speeding on Commerce Ave.
Mayor Craig asked for a motion for a combination Work Session and Council Meeting on December 16th .
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Erskine and seconded by Councilperson Marshall. Mayor Craig
asked if there were any comments, questions, or concerns, there were none. A roll call vote was taken.
Councilperson Tyree – “Yes”
Councilperson Persinger – “Yes”
Councilperson Reynolds – “Yes”
Councilperson Marshall – “Yes”
Vice Mayor Erskine – “Yes”
The motion carries unanimously.
Mayor Craig then asked Ashley to read the paper she was handed. Ashley began reading.
November 27th, 2024
Good evening,
Members of council, I would like to thank you all on your jobs as members of the Town of Iron Gate
Council. It has been a privilege working with you all. I would like to wish each of you much success in the
Effective December 1st, 2024, I Gary Craig will be stepping down from my post as Mayor of Iron Gate.
Thank you for all your hard work in keeping of the Town.
Thank you
Gary Craig
Mayor Craig stated you have heard my letter. I will ask for a motion to accept my resignation. A motion
was made by Vice Mayor Erskine and seconded by Councilperson Tyree. Mayor Craig asked if there
were any comments, questions, or concerns, there were none. A roll call vote was taken.
Councilperson Tyree – “Yes”
Councilperson Persinger – “Yes”
Councilperson Reynolds – “Yes”
Councilperson Marshall – “Yes”
Vice Mayor Erskine – “Yes”
The motion carries unanimously.
Motion to adjourn was made by Vice Mayor Erskine and seconded by Councilperson Persinger. Mayor
Craig said all those in favor signify by saying aye. The motion carried unanimously, and meeting was
adjourned at 8:24 pm.
_______________________ _________________________
Richard Erskine, Mayor Ashley C Prior, Clerk