Dear Editor,
Public Utility Corporations are different in different states. Here in Virginia, our PUC is called the State Corporation Commission, has 3 members who are appointed by the Governor with the authority to regulate utilities.
In every state, PUCs are tasked with regulating power companies and holding power monopolies accountable, and making sure ratepayers have affordable, safe access to energy.
That means the SCC can help nudge utilities toward affordable clean and renewable energies and away from dangerous fossil fuels. After last year’s federal Inflation Reduction Act became law, that law’s massive investment in clean energy has changed the economy — clean energy is cheaper than old, polluting fossil fuels by most measures. The SCC hasn’t shifted its approach to reflect this new reality.
I call on them to show bold leadership and responsibility by helping guide us to a clean energy future.
Daphne Raz
Lexington, Va.