DEAR ABBY: On a recent airline flight, a tall man who sat behind me had his left leg out in the aisle during most of the trip. He was wearing shorts, and you could see his large tattoo of a naked woman on his thigh. The drawing was very explicit, and there was no way to avoid seeing it because passengers had to cross over his leg to reach the bathroom.
How do you explain this kind of “art” to children? Would the airline have the right to ask him to cover the tattoo if it was objectionable? — OFFENDED TRAVELER FROM NEW YORK
DEAR OFFENDED: Because body art could be classified as freedom of expression, I’m not sure they do. However, someone’s leg protruding into the aisle might be considered a safety issue because it could cause a trip and fall. It would also impede food and beverage carts traveling up and down the aisle. Because you were offended, I hope you averted your gaze if you needed to make more than one trip to the lavatory, and if there were children in tow, that you didn’t call their attention to the “picture.”
DEAR ABBY: I had an urgent piece of mail to get to the post office. My sister called the postmistress, who agreed to stay open for her to deliver it. In the meantime, I found two other pieces of mail that required checks, quickly wrote them out and gave the three envelopes to my sister, who rushed them to the post office.
Upon her return, she showed me her vehicle, which had a deep gash running along one side because she had backed down the driveway too quickly, not paying attention, and had scraped the car against the stone post. She thinks I should pay half the cost of repair because “I was involved.”
I think it was her carelessness, and therefore, I should not have to pay. I’m not angry, just confused by her reasoning because the same thing happened to me when I ran an errand for her, but I paid on my own for my carelessness. What do you think? — THINKS DIFFERENTLY IN TENNESSEE
DEAR THINKS DIFFERENTLY: I think you should remind your sister that when the same thing happened to you while running an errand for her, you assumed the responsibility for paying for it. For her to say that you were “involved” is stretching the truth. She’s trying to guilt you into paying. Stand your ground.
DEAR ABBY: I’m a 20-year~old female junior in college. I am intelligent, attractive and friendly, and I want to remain a virgin until I’m married. This is not because of religious reasons. I have had a few relationships I thought were serious, but I ended up getting dumped for a “looser” girl each time, which really hurts.
My family and friends don’t understand that waiting until marriage is part of who I am. Ironically, I was raised to think this was proper, but once I reached a certain age, everyone seemed to change their minds.
I’m not looking to get married for at least five years, which means a long wait for anyone who wants to date me. Am I going to be alone forever just because I won’t jump into bed with a guy before we’re married? — PRINCIPLED IN ANN ARBOR, MICH.
DEAR PRINCIPLED: Not quite forever. I admire you for adhering to your values and so will the man who marries you.
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Good advice for everyone — teens to seniors — is in “The Anger in All of Us and How to Deal With It.” To order, send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby, Anger Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447.
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