The Curtis A. Smith Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1033 in Covington recently installed officers for 2012-13.
Seated, from left: Jerry Allard, two-year trustee; David Byer, junior vice commander; Joe Herrmann, commander; Sherman Holloway, senior vice commander; Bill Atherholt, quartermaster.
Standing: Ronnie Hancock, past District 6 commander, installing officer; Clivie Nicely, officer of the day; Calvin Fridley, surgeon; Jake Sutphin, judge advocate; Paul Linkenhoker, chaplain; Alfred Paxton, three-year trustee; Gary Brackenridge, one-year trustee; Ron Swoope, service officer.
Not pictured: Ron Swann, adjutant; Lee Baumgardner, guard.
(Gavin Dressler Photo)