The M3 Militia will be co-ordinating a local food and supply drive for area residents who are in need of food, water and household supplies delivered to their home.
“If you are in need of these items or know someone who is, please contact us through Facebook or through my cell phone,” said M3 Militia member Corey Clark. “We intend this service to be for the elderly, sick, shut-in and those facing economic hardships.”
Corey can be found on Facebook or by calling 540-958-5364.
Donations of the following items are currently being accepted:
Canned goods and nonperishable items;
Bottled water;
Toilet paper;
Paper towels;
Napkins and other paper products;
Cleaning supplies;
Limited first aid items such as Bandaids, etc.
If you would like to donate any of these items or make monetary donations please reach out to any M3 Militia board member or drop items off from 9-5 p.m. daily at the following locations:
• Clark’s Performance Diesel, 3712 Longdale Furnace Rd., Clifton Forge;
• Scott’s Welding Services, 2027 Rayon Dr., Covington;
• Cliffview Golf Club & Inn, 410 Friels Dr., Covington;
• Alleghany Sportsman Supply, 1023 S Highland Ave., Covington.
“We also will have after hours drop boxes at the front door of each location,”?Corey said. “Please let us know your needs and we will do all we can to help. We will be contacting those who request services to set up a delivery time. We plan to leave the items at your front door so no contact needs to be made during delivery to insure the best possible reduction of contact. Thank you in advance.”