CLIFTON FORGE – Clifton Forge Town Council approved two health insurance plans for the 51 town employees at a meeting Tuesday night.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, the town’s health insurance provider, is dropping one of the plans that the town is now using, referred to as Key Advantage 300.
Clifton Forge pays for a single policy plan and the Key Advantage 300 is costing $431 per month for each employee. Under the new plan, Key Advantage 250, the town will pay $474 per month for each employee.
The town does not pay for any family member. Each employee must pay the extra cost if they want the family plan.
The Key Advantage 250 plan will cost the town $290,088, an increase of $26,316 per year. The total budgeted cost of health insurance for 2010 is $263,772.
Both plans will cost the town $43 more per month per employee; however, town employees will probably not receive a raise for the coming fiscal year.
The other plan approved by council is the Key Advantage Expanded plan that will cost the employee $510 with the town paying $474 of the $510, which equals to the town paying $43 more for each employee.
In another matter, Clifton Forge Main Street announced plans for a Farmers Market this year. Debby Faulkenbury told council there will be six tents and tables for local residents to display items and it will be held on Fridays on the Keswick Street Parking Lot. Clifton Forge Main Street will be assisted by the Clifton Forge Merchants Association.
Faulkenbury told council “this year we plan to start an unofficial farmers market and we have already had some vendors committed and we have five sponsors. The first date for the Farmers Market will be May 14.”
She noted that Covington has a Farmers Market but Clifton Forge will not conflict with the one in Covington because Clifton Forge will hold theirs on Friday and Covington’s will be held on Saturday. Clifton Forge has had plans for a Farmers Market since 2002 and Faulkenbury said that CFMS hopes that it will grow each year.
A report from the Architectural Review Board included action taken which approved a sign for Dianna Tyree’s “The Tobacco Store” at 533 Main Street. James Bay’s request for a sign at the Old Forge Coffee Company was also approved. A request from Bay was denied to place a deck in front of the Old Forge Coffee Company.
Tire Amnesty Day will be held Saturday, April 24 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Alleghany County’s Island Ford Transfer Station. Alleghany County, Covington, Iron Gate and Clifton Forge received a grant from the Alleghany Foundation to fund Tire Amnesty Day.
Town Manger Tracey Shiflett announced that the Clifton Forge Fire Department and Public Works Department began flushing fire hydrants Monday in the west end of town. They will flush 10 hydrants a day Monday through Friday.
He noted that this may effect water pressure and may cause the water to be discolored or muddy.
Council gave permission for several religious and holiday events including an Easter parade April 3 starting at 10:30 a.m. beginning at the C&O Historical Society parking lot. The Easter Bunny and children will march east on Ridgeway Street to Commercial Avenue and then proceed up Commercial Avenue to Memorial Park for egg hunts and festivities. Council gave permission for the EggStravaganza to be held at Memorial Park immediately following the Easter parade. Free hot dogs for everyone and gifts for the children will be provided.
Another religious event, requested by the Alleghany Ministerial Association, was for a permit to hold the annual Way of the Cross. The procession begins at First Baptist Church on Church Street continues to A Street onto Main Street and ends at Central United Methodist Church. It will begin at 11:15 a.m. Friday, April 2. The request was approved.
Chris Fisher asked council to consider a donation to the annual Bike Rodeo sponsored by The Alleghany Sheriff’s Department which will be held May 8. He said that 378 children attended last year and 100 bikes were given away and free food and other prizes were given out.
John Hillert spoke before council and urged them to set short and long-term planning goals as the town may have to take a leadership roll.
Council also set April 19 for a budget work session starting at 5 p.m.
Neel Edwards has submitted his resignation as a member of the Clifton Forge Planning Commission and council approved advertising for citizens who want to become a member and are willing to be interviewed for the position.
There are two positions open on the Planning Commission.
Council held a work session before the regular council meeting and held a discussion with the Alleghany County Humane Society regarding updating the annual contract.
Some council members are concerned with the fees the town is paying.
Those attending from the Humane Society were Becky Johnson, board member and Beth Hawse, board president. All the Clifton Forge Council members attended the work session with Shiflett and Clifton Forge Attorney Dave Davis.