LOW MOOR - Permits is-sued in March by the Alleghany County Building Inspections Department.
Timothy Harris, singlewide. Estimated cost, $500; $50 fee paid by applicant.
Erwin Fender, electrical upgrade. Estimated cost, $100; $20 fee paid by applicant.
Jeffrey Rose, electrical reservice. No estimated cost provided. Fee of $25 paid by applicant.
Bruce Olson, accessory building. Estimated cost, $11,000; $60 fee paid by applicant.
Thomas Meeks, room addition. Estimated cost, $3,000; $28 fee paid by DIRFT Builders.
Sandra Harmon, porch addition. Estimated cost, $1,800; $24 fee paid by applicant.
Elmer Bess Jr., electrical upgrade. Estimated cost, $180; $20 fee paid by applicant.
Brenda Tuttle, electrical reservice. No estimated cost. Fee of $25 paid by applicant.
Boys’ Home Inc., accessory building. Estimated cost, $175,000; $500 fee paid by Plecker Construction.
Eric Schultz, electrical upgrade. Estimated cost, $300; $20 fee paid by applicant.
North South Development, accessory building. Estimated cost, $7,500; $48 fee paid by applicant.
Terry Paxton, electrical reservice. No estimated cost. Fee of $25 paid by applicant.
Reba Kyle, electrical/new service. Estimated cost, $600; $25 fee paid by applicant.
Thomas Garten, commercial demolition. Estimated cost, $30,000; $136 fee paid by applicant.
Patricia Citro, porch addition. Estimated cost, $1,500; $24 fee paid by applicant.
Thomas Eroh, porch addition. Estimated cost, $12,491; $68 fee paid by applicant.
James Spivey, roof. Estimated cost, $10,450; $60 fee paid by S.G. Young Contracting.
Teresa Dobbs, underground storage tank. Estimated cost, $2,000; $24 fee paid by Earth Net.
John Riffe, electrical/new service. Estimated cost, $700; $25 fee paid by Chris Neil Electric.
Clyde Simpson, residential demolition. No estimated cost. Fee of $25 paid by applicant.
Charles Hylton, electrical/new service; $300 fee paid by applicant.
Phillip Pence, electrical reservice. No estimated cost. Fee of $25 paid by applicant.
Permits were issued for 22 projects during March with $257,421 in total estimated costs. The permits generated $1,267 in fees for the county.