The Alleghany Retired Teachers’ Association will hold its fall meeting on Tuesday, September 3, at Clifton Forge Library in Clifton Forge. The meeting begins at 10:45 a.m.
The guest for the meeting will be Mike Warren. He will be presenting a program concerning breast cancer. Becky Smith and friends will be providing lunch. The cost of the meal will be $16.
The service project for September is to collect school supplies for the area schools and food items for the local food banks. Members are reminded to bring these items to the meeting.
All retired school personnel from Alleghany Highlands are invited to attend, including teachers, principals, secretaries, custodians, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, school board office employees, etc.
For more information about ARTA, the September meeting or anyone needing a ride to the meeting should contact ARTA President, Joan Green at 540-969-9460.