Dear Editor.
What are we to believe when the government, via the NIH, NIAID, CDC, or the FDA, recommends actions to protect us from a disease or encroaching pandemic?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approved the updated vaccines by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna for everyone 6 months and older, and authorized an updated Novavax vaccine for those 12 and older in the fall of 2023. In February of this year, the CDC recommended an additional dose for adults ages 65 and older.
COVID-19 was a big opportunity for the FDA/NIH/WHO/CDC to prove their worth and independence from any ties to big pharma [manufacturers of medicine and vaccines]. One million, one hundred thousand (1,100,000) Americans dead later proved their incompetence and their alliance with profit-making entities.
Improperly vetted vaccines were touted as the fix, though never touted as preventative, as far as I can remember. What I do remember is how anyone who bucked against the vaccine narrative was dismissed from their practice, their job, their reputation, their results, their hospital, and their license to practice medicine (actually in some cases)…in both the US and Canada. These included doctors, nurses, Navy Seals, pilots, soldiers, teachers, and so on.
The FDA (Food & Drug Administration) and the WHO (World Health Organization), in the full throes of the COVID pandemic, strongly recommended against the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, both very inexpensive COVID treatments. Ivermectin, with over 8 billion doses having been given to humans, worldwide, over the past few decades, to kill both internal and external parasites, mostly from bad/unclean water, costs less than five cents per annual dose. There have been no recorded cases of overdose or deaths due to the administration of ivermectin.
Against these FDA & WHO recommendations, local India governments tried ivermectin on their populace in several territories in 2021. From April 20 to May 27, 2021 ivermectin was administered to the people in Delhi. The number of new daily COVID cases dropped from 28,400 to 960, a 97% reduction. Daily deaths dropped from 277 to 117, a 58% reduction (some of those deaths a carryover from persons sick before April 20). Ivermectin was not used in the Indian region of Tamil Nadu during the same five week time period with the following results: Daily new COVID cases increased from 10,990 to 36,180, a 329% increase. Daily deaths increased from 48 to 474, a 987% increase.
The book “Ivermectin for the World”, released in June 2021, cited additional statistics in five states/territories that used ivermectin in the treatment protocol versus five states that did not (same five week time period). Ivermectin users had a 60% to a 97% reduction in daily new COVID cases…non-users had a 50% to an 800% increase in daily new COVID cases.
I know anecdotal first-hand and second-hand stories of persons, including doctors, who have used Ivermectin in the early stages of COVID, with complete recovery in about a day and a half, with absolutely no Ivermectin side effects or residual effects of COVID-19. I know first-hand and second-hand stories of persons receiving the COVID vaccine shots and COVID boosters who suffered death or suffer long term fairly serious side effects from said shots, but did not catch COVID. And I know many people who received the shot and contracted COVID, who seemed to have milder symptoms. It also appears that one’s age and health had a large impact on how their body handled COVID, once contracted.
I also had a co-worker who has a friend in the African country of Burundi. Said co-worker called his buddy in late 2020 and asked him how the pandemic was going in Burundi. The response? What pandemic? Burundi health officials annually issue a Z-pak/azithromycin (anti-biotic) and a dose of hydroxychloroquine to each citizen, to fight parasites in bad water. No COVID-19 pandemic in Burundi. In a country of 12 million, there were 20,000 COVID cases and 14 deaths as of October 2021. In the USA with a population of 330 million, that would translate/extrapolate to 385 deaths and 550,000 cases of COVID. Instead, the USA had about 80,000,000 COVID cases and about 700,000 deaths by that time (October 2021). The USA, per capita, had 1,818X (1,818 times) more reported COVID deaths and 145X (145 times) more reported COVID cases than wee impoverished Burundi. Please re-read the above four paragraphs. The main difference is that Burundi relied on a different protocol (hydroxychloroquine & Z-pak) versus the USA that relied on the FDA, the WHO, NIH, NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), & one Dr. Fauci, with essentially one main narrative…the jab.
Much debate and conflicting results surfaced from the recommended use of masks, six-foot spacing [“social distancing”], washing groceries, wiping down all surfaces with alcohol, ventilators, et cetera. Some of these, though good hygiene practices, had dubious impact on COVID transmission. Children’s education and social life were very arrested by the use of masks, social distancing, and the actual closing of many schools, even though statistically, extremely few, as in near to none, children either contracted COVID or had anything more than very mild symptoms when COVID contracted when no action was taken. To this day, the social distancing drummed into our psyche is still keeping some friends and relatives from visiting with each other. The vaccines used seemed to have reduced the severity of symptoms of those that contracted COVID, but they did not prevent contraction, and they all came with some possible side effects, some potentially debilitating, even long term. Ditto the follow up booster shots.
America’s Frontline Doctors [AFD], a loose organization of doctors and lawyers who advocate for medical freedom, developed and followed their own treatment plans for their COVID patients. A video of a press conference in Washington DC was produced and shown on YouTube (I believe) in July 2020. About twelve doctors each individually stepped forward to describe how they were treating COVID patients, with great success, and without administering COVID shots or COVID booster shots. I personally watched the video on YouTube and remember one doctor stating he had treated over 1,000 patients from age six months to 92 years old, and how not one of them died, and all recovered. Each doctor had similar results with not one using any of the FDA/WHO recommended vaccine shots, but having some differences with how they treated their COVID patients. Again, with great success. This press conference video disappeared from the internet and the AFD doctors were vilified by the medical establishment who went along with the improperly vetted vaccine regimen. As memory serves me, less so now than in younger years, I believe hydroxychoroquine, Z-paks, & ivermectin played key roles in AFD treatments. Also, minimizing exposure of elderly and the infirm was key to protecting that subset of our population. I recommend visiting the American Frontline Doctors website to “get from the horses mouth” what they do, rather than someone else’s opinion about the AFD.
Who is responsible for the censoring of alternative COVID treatments, a near worldwide phenomenon? Isn’t it time to reconsider alternate COVID treatment protocols than the vaccine jab? Many hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved the last go-round, and many COVID patients would not have some of the residual aftereffects of the COVID virus that they now live with. Additionally, there is some concern that the ‘jab’ may have some ill effect on one’s health that lie currently latent. As I am no doctor or medical professional, the above is neither a prescription nor mis-information. May we, including some of our local doctors, reconsider non-jab alternative treatments when the next wave of COVID-like disease hits us.
John Stec
Covington, Va.