5511 & 5615 Rich Patch Road, Covington, VA 24426
Tax Map # 08500-00-000-0420 and 08500-00-000-043B
In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original amount of $100,000.00, dated January 2, 2008, from Shawn Allen Wolfe and Page F. Wolfe, Jr., recorded as Instrument Number 080000044 in the land records of the Alleghany County Circuit Court, Covington, Virginia, default having been made in the payments of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned will on:
August 13, 2024 @ 11:30AM
at the front entrance of the Alleghany County Circuit Court, 266 W. Main Street, Covington, Virginia, 24426, offer for sale at public auction the property and improvements thereon, described as follows:
PARCEL ONE: All that certain parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in Alleghany County, Virginia, containing 1.06 acres, as shown on a plat dated September 29, 1951 made by H.E. Poyser, of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Alleghany County, Virginia in Plat Book 4, Page 92. (5511 Rich Patch Road)
PARCEL TWO: TRACT ONE: All of the following described real estate located in Boiling Spring District, Alleghany County, Virginia, fronting on the southerly side of the Rich Patch – Hays Gap Road Route 616, and along Route 619, and more particularly described on the plat recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Alleghany County, Virginia in Plat Book 29 at page 25 entitled “Survey Showing the Properties of Persinger and Wolfe”, Boiling Springs District, Alleghany County, Virginia, as drawn by J. Brad Smith, Land Surveyor, as “PARCEL 3”, containing 68.387 acres, more or less; and TRACT TWO: All of the following described real estate located in Boiling Spring District, Alleghany County, Virginia, fronting on the southerly side of Rich patch – Hays Gap Road Route 616, and along Route 619, and more particularly described on the plat recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Alleghany County, Virginia in Plat Book 29 at page 25 entitled “Survey Showing the Properties of Persinger and Wolfe”, Boiling Springs District, Alleghany County, Virginia, as drawn by J. Brad Smith, Land Surveyor, as “PARCEL 2” containing 0.618 acres, more or less. (5615 Rich Patch Road)
This sale is subject to all matters of record in the chain of title to the above property, and also subject to mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens of record and not of record, if any such liens exist. A bidder’s deposit of 10% of bid amount, in cash, certified or cashier’s check, is required at the time of sale, with the balance due at settlement, to be held within 30 days from the sale date at the office of the Trustee. The property and improvements thereon shall be sold in “as is” condition. All costs of conveyance, by special warranty deed, will be at the cost of the purchaser. Real estate taxes shall be prorated to date of sale. Additional terms of sale shall be announced at the time of sale and contained in a memorandum of sale which the successful bidder shall be required to sign.
For more information please contact:
Jeffrey A. Ward, Esquire
Franklin, Denney, Ward, & Strosnider PLC
129 N. Wayne Ave., Waynesboro, Virginia 22980
540-946-4408 email: