CLIFTON FORGE – The Sara Rice Pryor Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy met Sept. 17 in the Community Room at Scott Hill Retirement Complex at 5:30 p.m. Annie Sink opened the meeting with ritual and prayer. Pledges to the flags were recited and Dixie sang.
Minutes were read by Doris McCoy, secretary, and were approved a read.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gloria O’Neil.
The UDC picnic will be held Sept. 27 at the Jackson River Sport Complex. The chapter will apply for state funding for upkeep of Confederate graves. A motion was made to replace a broken marker at Oakland Church and was carried by members.
The chapter will have the Confederate monument at Oakland pressure cleaned.
Joan Vess will be remembered with a memorial for Southern women. A motion was made and passed by the membership. A donation will be made to the second district meeting. On Oct. 12, a program on General Lee will be presented in Lexington.
Registrar Luane Osborne swore in new officers. Leah Parez, president; Annie Sink, vice president; Linda Mayer, second vice president; Gloria O’Neil, treasurer; Doris McCoy, secretary; Kitty Fitzgerald, historian; and Luane Osborne, registrar.
A certificate of appreciation was given to Osborne for her service to the chapter.
A program on “The Home Front in the Alleghany Highlands 1861-1865” by Kitty Fitzgerald was presented.
The chapter held its October meeting Oct. 15 at 5:30 p.m. at Scott Hill Retirement Complex. Leah Parez, president, opened the meeting with the ritual and prayer. Pledges to the flags were recited and Dixie sang.
Doris McCoy read the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved as read.
Gloria O’Neil gave the treasurer’s report and read a thank-you from the second district. O’Neil will submit a memorial for Joan Vess.
Members attended the Lee memorial service at Lee Chapel. The speaker was Gary Gallagher who spoke on Robert E. Lee at W&L University. Subscriptions for the UDC magazine will be ordered for the C.P. Jones Memorial Library and the Clifton Forge Public Library.
McCoy will contact Tuffy Bush about the time they will start painting at Mt. Pleasant. A motion was made to order one or more southern crosses. The motion was seconded and passed by members. Linda Mayer will print an order form.
Discussion was held on ordering UDC ribbons and pins. More discussion will be held in January.
The chapter’s Thanksgiving dinner will be held at Linda Mayer’s house.
As there was no more business, the meeting was adjourned.
The program on John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry was given by Annie Sink.
Oct. 15, 2009 was the 150th anniversary of the raid.