Eunice Dressler Wright, CGT, treasurer for the city of Covington announced that all tax bills were delivered Oct. 22 and there will be a change in size and color for the real estate bills this year.
The first half real estate bills are blue and the same size as the personal property. However, the personal property will be green for the second half. Both will include return envelopes for payment. Taxpayers may write one check and mail them together. The bottom third of the sheet should be torn off and sent with the payment. The top portion is for home records.
This new system is saving 10 cents per envelope. If the name and address is the same on all tickets, they will be mailed together. However, real estate and personal property are mailed separately. Taxpayers are asked to note the return address on the back side of the statement and make sure the treasurer’s office address is showing in the window of the envelope.
The treasurer’s office has also mailed out all second half supplemental bills for personal property tax that was assessed by the Commissioner of revenue in September. This is an additional bill to the current bill. Some customers will receive two billings.
Any late file penalties that are shown on the personal property bills are assessed by the commissioner of the revenue office for failure to file or for not filing timely with that office. Any questions regarding assessments on taxes of real estate or personal property may be answered by calling 965-6350. Late payment penalties will be assessed after Dec. 7. Late file penalties are charged for both halves by the commissioner of the revenue’s office. Those owning vehicles on January 1, 2009 are required to pay both halves even if the vehicle is sold or moved to a new location.
If a taxpayer sold real estate, the attorney should pro-rate the taxes between the new owner and the taxpayer. If there are questions, review the settlement papers or call the attorney’s office that handled the sale of the property.
Taxpayers should receive separate bills for real estate taxes (which are blue). Be sure to count the number of land parcels that are owned and match them with the tax tickets. All taxes were mailed to the last address unless a bank, tax service, or mortgage company holds the real estate taxes in escrow.
The Virginia State Code section 58.1-3912 requires the banks to request the tax bills in writing from the treasurer’s office. If taxpayers receive a statement that should go to the bank, contact the bank and forward the bill to them. The treasurer will mail a paid receipt after payment has been made. If the property has been sold, the treasurer’s office requests that the statement be forwarded to the new owner or sent to the lawyer who handled the sale of the property.
The city treasurer’s office at Covington City Hall is open Monday through Friday, except holidays, from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. to receive payments for all types of taxes. The office does not close for lunch. Failure to receive a tax statement does not relieve the taxpayer of penalty or interest according to the Virginia State Code. If a taxpayer did not receive a statement, call 965-6340 and request a duplicate bill.
Payments may be made in person at city hall on the main floor or by mailing the green or blue statements to Treasurer, Eunice Dressler Wright, CGT, P.O. Drawer 878, Covington, Va. 24426. Taxpayers have the option to pay real estate and personal property taxes with Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover credit cards from the convenience of any computer using the code 6218 for Covington and visiting