Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
100 Years Ago
May, 1924
Grays lose to Westvaco, 14 to 6: A. Gibson, Roberts and Sears star for winners, Collins and Wilkerson for Grays
The Westvaco ball team defeated the Grays Saturday in an 11-inning game, which was full of thrills until the beginning of the eleventh, when the defense of the Grays went to pieces. A total of six errors and four hits giving the Paper Mill eight runs.
The batteries were Pugh and H. Leighton for Westvaco and Mann, Levisay and W. Geighton for the Grays.
A Gibson, Roberts and Sears starred for the Paper Mill, while Collins and Wilkinson 10 runs for the Grays.
75 Years Ago
May, 1949
Covington singers join in festival
Covington was well represented at the third annual Virginia Music Festival, held at the University of Virginia Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Thirteen Covington singers took part in the chorus of 400 voices from eight Virginia communities Friday night. Those from here were Marjie Hambrick, Joan Linkenhoker, Lillian Nichols, Clara McCormick, Mrs. Nell L.C. Pitman, Gene Thomas, Gene Stinnett, Sherman Hall, Ronald Walthall, Marty Bryan and Ray Perry.
The festival included performances Saturday and Sunday by the Norfolk Symphony Orchestra, with a solo performance Saturday night by Miss Marjorie Mitchell, Charlottesville pianist.
Approximately 2,000 Virginia musicians, including high school bands, took part in the three-day festival.
50 Years Ago
May, 1974
Alleghany Hospital earns accreditation
Alleghany Memorial Hospital has been accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH) according to Robert G. Minger, administrator.
This accreditation, which covers from March, 1974 to March, 1976, is the result of an on-site survey made by field representatives of the Joint Commission’s Hospital Accreditation Program (HAP). Accreditation indicates that this facility has chosen to operate according to standards set by JCAH and that the facility has, in the main, met these standards.
The standards, published as the “Accreditation Manual for Hospitals,” set forth optimal achievable goals of excellence against which a facility can measure itself and be measured by the Joint Commission’s survey.
25 Years Ago
May, 1999
Mark Keith is recommended for AHS football coaching position
(Photo caption) Mark Keith has been recommended as the new football coach at Alleghany High School. PIctured, from left, are AHS Principal Garry Moore, Keith, his wife, Susan, and daughter Alexis Jordan and AHS Athletic Director Fred Vaughn. Keith’s recommendation to the Alleghany Highlands School Board will be made Monday. (Gavin Dressler Photo)
A search committee has recommended Mark Keith as the new football coach at Alleghany High School.
Alleghany Highlands Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Marty Loughlin will make the recommendation of Keith, an eight-year veteran of the Mountaineer staff, to the school board on Monday.
A press release issued by the school Tuesday morning stated, “Mark has our full confidence in guiding our football program.”
Keith was selected from a field of eight candidates interviewed by the search committee composed of school personnel and parents of prospective football players.