IRON GATE — Iron Gate Town Council will hold its regular August meeting this evening, beginning at 7 p.m. at town hall.
Items on the agenda include:
— mayor’s report;
— public comments as texted to phone number (540)?960-1292 or emailed;
— discussion on RFP bid for sewer project (T&L);
— discussion of lawsuit;
— discussion on CARES funds for Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce;
— extension and adjustments on utility bills;
— vote on accepting RFP bid for sewer project;
— vote on CARES funds for chamber of commerce;
— vote on re-enacting meeting ordinance via virtual or by phone due to the COVID-19 pandemic;
— vote on meeting in-person due to COVID-19;
— discussion on lifting utility cutoff restrictions due to COVID-19;
— discussion of a request to abandon 6th Street from Chalybeate Avenue corner and up.
Any public comments can be emailed to the town clerk by 4 p.m. Thursday at or by texting them to the town cell phone at 540-960-1292. Any questions may be directed to town hall at 862-0770.
Iron Gate Town Council is practicing social distancing due to the ongoing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.
Iron Gate town officials ask that masks be worn inside town hall by those who are attending.