Dear Editor,
I’ve been reading the Letters to the Editor column about the Clifton Forge mayor, about misappropriating the use of a credit card.
This is apparently a plan well thought out to get a new mayor in November, but there is one thing they are missing:?their ears.
They should have a hearing test in an open council meeting. The mayor turned his attention to the town attorney after reviewing everything in question.
The mayor asked if he had done anything wrong. The answer from the town attorney was, “No, everything you have done is OK.”
All the financial statements that were requested by the town, and the mayor asked him if he received them. The answer was, “Yes sir.”
And when was this done?, The attorney said, “In January or early February.”
So if the town attorney found nothing wrong, why won’t this little Town Manager Fan Club lay off? Anyone with a brain knows the answer to that question.
Charlie, Diana Kling Smith, if you all have so much time to research, why don’t you two and the other handful go to the town manager’s office and pick up my Freedom of Information that I, Bruce Hyler, have already paid for:?two emails that were sent out by a council member five months ago, and still nothing.
Where is my answer to where all the town’s taxpayer dollars were being spent from New York to California and all over to local eateries, Walmarts, Kroger and Dollar Stores.
My question is: If you get a regular paycheck, why would you be buying or shopping on a town-owned credit card?
And here is another fact under Freedom of Information. You can request any email on a town-owned phone. So I did get what I wanted from a council person’s phone in their presence only.
Here are my thoughts on this whole dilemma. You can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig.
B.W. Hyler
Oak Ridge Drive, Millboro