Dear Editor,
It is disappointing that the rainbow has been co-opted by the LGBTQXYZ sexually dysphoric. It is supposed to represent God’s promise to never destroy the inhabitants of earth again by another great flood, a beautiful symbol on display at the end of a rain shower.
It is likewise disappointing to see any Black Lives Matter signs or shirts displayed during any protest for equal justice and treatment of minorities. The BLM website should be visited by protesters carrying Black Lives Matter signs so they know what they are actually promoting in the public square/forum. Spoiler alert: It ain’t police reform.
BLM’s website exudes its founders Marxist class-warfare ideology to destroy American culture, Christianity and our government. White versus black.
Straight/natural versus LGBTQXYZ. Citizens versus law enforcement. Mom and Pop nuclear family versus anything-goes-sexual dysfunction/pairing.
Elevation of black transgender societal status. Rioting, murder, arson, looting, destruction of public and private property, and muggings plugged into larger well-meaning protests. Marxist tools include revolution and eliminating private property and any brand of capitalism.
From the BLM website: “We … do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk.” “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” “… for Black people, law enforcement doesn’t protect or save our lives.” So, law enforcement doesn’t protect or save any black lives?
A recent poll indicates 81 percent of African Americans want the same level of, or more, police presence in their neighborhoods.
Chicago’s BLM lead organizer, Ariel Atkins, states publicly that urban violence/destruction and looting is part of “reparations” and that the prison system must be eliminated — now. Wow. BLM speakers at “protests” frequently shout the word “revolution” to whip up violence to overthrow our system of government.
The BLM website makes no mention of God, Jesus, reconciliation, or forgiveness of any kind. Please visit their website.
Using incendiary language, BLM proclaims systemic racism. If racism in America is endemic, how did Barrack Obama become president, for two terms?
BLM calls to decimate/defund police. In multiple cities, spineless Democratic city councils and mayors are testing the defund-the-police waters by having their police “stand down” during the riots. Where is the forceful denunciation of the inevitable street violence from any D.C. Democrat? Do they think burning, pillage and carnage is acceptable protest?
Do the Democrats approve of Antifa’s fascist tactics? What about the vital businesses destroyed/burned to the ground and the loss of associated income for now-unemployed inner city folk? New York Democrat Jerry Nadler publicly states that Antifa is a myth. Joe Biden, only this past week, made some statement against the urban violence.
What is wrong with the Democrats? This violence threatens to metastasize beyond the cities.
Don’t all black lives matter to Black Lives Matter protesters?
In one late May Chicago weekend this year, 24 African Americans were killed by guns and 61 more injured with gunshot wounds, none by police.
There have been 464 homicide victims in Chicago thus far in 2020 through mid-August.
These overwhelmingly black-on-black homicides are a regular occurrence in Chicago and other major U.S. cities, yet no focused outcry from BLM. Do blacks murdered by blacks matter? Do blue black lives [African American law enforcement officers] matter?
Approximately 800 black babies are surgically dismembered in the abortion “procedure,” every day in America — every day. In 2018, 6,600 state of Virginia innocent black babies lost their lives to the abortionists knife.
Planned Parenthood aborts about 100,000 black babies every year. BLM, is not Planned Parenthood an enemy of our black brothers and sisters, based on P.P.’s founder’s (Margaret Sanger) professed truly racist beliefs? Most unfortunately, BLM heartily supports a “woman’s right to reproductive freedom” [abortion], just like the Democratic Party.
Why is killing one’s baby an acceptable “method” of birth control in any segment of society, black or otherwise?
The execution of George Floyd on video shakes one to the core, demanding that justice be served to those involved in his death, but are these particular policemen racists? Are all police now to be labeled as racists? Really? Are all husbands evil because a very few husbands abuse their wives?
Some thoughts. Don’t break the law. Don’t do drugs. Don’t physically resist arrest and never grab an officer’s weapon.
Always speak respectfully to a law enforcement officer. Value education, especially reading, writing, and arithmetic. Obtain education beyond high school if possible — trade school, college or community college. Get a job. Come from a stable mom and dad family, or if/when you marry, commit to your spouse your love and faithfulness and protection “till death do you part,”?something from the good-old-days that worked quite well in stabilizing the family and society.
This playbook isn’t for any particular segment of society. Following this playbook breaks the chains of generational poverty.
Black fathers matter. Children raised in single- parent homes (usually by mom), are statistically very much more likely to be involved with drugs, gangs, unplanned pregnancies, violence, incarceration, and dropping out of school.
In Roanoke City, 2018, 80.8 percent of black babies are “non-marital births.” In Covington and Alleghany County, 87.5 percent and 75 percent of black babies are born minus a father in their home.
This is the unacknowledged elephant in the room. Systems and government programs that facilitate families-without-fathers are racist and have proven to be the nemesis of the nuclear black family.
No father equals no male authority, much less discipline, no fatherly/male love and guidance. And typically, no father equals no church or religious home life equals less exposure to Holy Scripture or the Good News of Jesus Christ.
God bless the single moms that emulate the love of God in their household, but a dedicated/committed, and ideally God-fearing father at home is invaluable in the raising of children to adulthood.
No fathers is the real, generational pandemic that keeps blacks relatively impoverished in all facets of society. Without fathers in the home, there will be little overall progress for our black brethren despite protests of any kind
BFM equals Black Fathers Matter. God bless all black fathers who stay with their spouse and create a loving home for their children.
President Trump is labeled a “racist” by Democrats and their compliant main-stream media. Specifically for African Americans, President Trump has instituted incarceration reform, releasing blacks unfairly jailed for minor infractions or who were given unfair sentences, to go home to their children to get on with life. He delivered the lowest black unemployment level ever recorded, ever.
In December 2019, Trump restored $250 million funding, annually, to minority colleges, universities and institutions, and this is to continue for 10 straight years. He promotes parental school choice for inner city blacks, opposed by Obama and Democrats, so minority parents can pick schools best for their children’s education and safety.
He is the president of law and order, sorely needed in our inner cities where there are concentrations of minorities who deserve law and order. POTUS is terrible at actually being a racist.
Studies show whatever group — white, black, purple, hispanic, that overall commits the most violent crimes — ends up with the most unhappy encounters with police, indicating little/no systemic racial bias.
Locally, the published pictures of those caught in drug busts typically seem to be mostly white folk, indicating who is doing the bad stuff.
Work must continue to eradicate discrimination based on skin color, wherever it factually and actually exists. Discriminatory practices actually did and still do exist and must be rectified when brought to light.
Per Mark Twain, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Beware of statistics that are used to “prove” an endless succession of police killing blacks. As Harsha Shankar pointed out in a letter in the Aug. 25 Virginian Review edition, nationwide a total of nine unarmed blacks were killed by police in 2019 [of whom five initiated aggression toward the police]. So nine unarmed blacks out of 40,600,000 black citizens in America were killed by police in 2019, but about 290,000 unarmed black unborn children were mercilessly killed by dismemberment in “women’s health” clinics, also in 2019. Hmmm.
“Social media” has facilitated the distortion of reality in our country and the world. Judgement cannot be rendered by simply watching one truncated video clip gone “viral” on social media, yet tens [hundreds?] of thousands of “woke” people can be led to believe anything by such videos —sheeple.
If it’s on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, played over and over and over again, then it must be true and also happening everywhere. What has happened to reason, logic and disinterested fact-finding before jumping to a conclusion?
Better and more uniform law enforcement intervention practices need to be taught and instituted. Potentially lethal immobilization techniques should be replaced by non-lethal techniques. Where bad apples/individuals exist in law enforcement, they must be promptly removed.
But to handcuff/restrain law enforcement, firemen and emergency personnel from performing their duty will guarantee the very people that need protection from anarchy and crime will suffer the most. If #DefundThePolice wins, our inner city brethren lose [big time], and the Marxists win.
BLM and Antifa organizations are not the friends of true reform. BLM and Antifa are ruining the righteous cause of equal justice and treatment for minorities due to the senseless violence these groups continuously inject into the protests.
Lastly, every human is made in the image and likeness of God. There is only one race, the human race. We must care for one another out of charity, Christian charity, not misdirected humanitarian charity.
Shouting drowns out dialog. Bring arguments to the revealing light of the public forum/debate so that our civilization can change to become more civilized, fair, and just.
May God bless our nation and continue to grant us peace and unity with the Word of God as our guide.
John Stec
Green Violet Drive, Covington