William “Lance” Carson has announced his candidacy for Covington City Council.
Carson, who resides on N. Pocahontas Avenue in the Dry Run section of the city, is seeking the District 1 seat in the Nov. 3 election.
“I want the citizens in District 1 to know — most of all — that when I vote, it will be in their best interest and not mine,” he said. “I believe each area in Covington should be treated fairly.”
Carson attended Falling Spring Elementary School and is a 1978 graduate of Alleghany County High School. He received his bachelor of science degree in social work from Ferrum College in 1983. He graduated from the School of Ministry at Good News Church in 2017.
For 34-plus years, he worked as a Family Services Specialist II Adult Protective Services and Adult Services worker for the Alleghany/Covington Department of Social Services. He also ran the Companion Program, an initiative that attempts to keep individuals in their homes.
After two years of retirement, Carson is now employed part-time at Food Lion.
He previously worked as a floor supervisor at Jackson River Enterprises, formally known as the Alleghany Highlands Work Center in Covington.
Carson currently serves as the chairman of the Covington Redevelopment and Housing Authority and is a member of the Alleghany Highlands M3 Minutemen Militia.
He is a volunteer at the South Covington United Methodist Church Food Bank and a member of the State Park Environmental Education (SPEED) Group at Douthat State Park.
Carson is a member of Good News Church in Covington.
“I might be known to everyone as the ‘Hot Dog Cooker’ for Light the Night held each year on Halloween at Good News Church,” he said.
Carson is a former Boy Scouts leader and Little League Baseball coach. He also served on the Covington Little League Baseball Board of Directors.
He has coached tee ball, girls softball and youth league basketball. He has been a Special Olympics coach and a mentor in the Big Brother program.
He participated in Senior Law Day, sponsored by the Alleghany-Bath-Highland Bar Association. Carson has served on the Alleghany Highlands Homeless Committee and the Alleghany Housing Board.
He is a past member of the Safehome Systems Board of Directors and volunteered with the Alleghany Highlands Bike Rodeo. He is involved in the Recovery Program at Good News Church.
Carson is the son of the late Judge William E. “Kit” Carson and Jenny Cave Carson. He is married to Kathy Gabbert Carson of Covington. She is retired from the city of Covington and is currently employed by the Law Office of William T. Wilson.
Carson has two children, a daughter, Devon Carson Nicely, and husband Billy, and a son, Layne Carson and wife, Shana. All reside in Covington.
His grandchildren include Anthony Nicely, Kaylee Nicely, Kason Carson and Xander Carson.
Carson’s family also includes a stepson, Seth Lamb, of Covington, and a stepdaughter, Russie Gann and her husband, Drew, who reside in Richmond.
Carson said he would serve as an advocate for the children of Covington if he is elected in November.
“I want to see that our community has the best we can offer our children,” he said.
Carson also said he would work to bring new jobs to the area.
“I want to see industry back in the area,” he said. “I am tired of seeing our young adults forced to leave their hometown due to the lack of jobs.”
Carson said he wants to help develop a plan to take care of unmanaged properties, abandoned and dilapidated houses and buildings along with vacant lots in Covington.
“I want to support the city employees and departments of Covington,” he said. “I believe they need a voice.”
If elected, Carson said he would hold monthly meetings to discuss issues brought to him by his constituents of District 1 or anyone else in the city who would like to attend and discuss an issue.
“My door is always open to the citizens,” said Carson, adding that he can be reached at (540) 960-0459 or by email at wcarson4uva@aol.com.
“I want to see the city of Covington alive, growing and prospering,” he concluded. “I have lived in this area for over 60 years. This is my home, and I want what is best for the area.”