Dear Editor,
There is an old saying that history does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme quite a bit.
Sadly, this has been manifested in recent years in a new way.
Over a century ago, politicians in the Jim Crow South were able to abuse their legitimate authority by granting groups such as the Ku Klux Klan the assurance that they could violate the human rights of African-Americans without facing the danger of prosecution.
More recently, Congress, which is forbidden by the Constitution from abridging freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion has “outsourced” such repression to tech giants, such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google, by granting them immunity from prosecution for suppressing internet access and/or cutting off access to financing to any person or group that did not conform to their leftist agenda.
Aside from violating the basic civil rights of millions, the monopolistic collusion of such tech giants, with legal protection provided by Congress, has restricted free trade, in violation of federal anti-trust laws. They have done so by cutting off access to internet funding to numerous conservatives, frontline doctors and fundamentalist Christians, whose views are not in conformity to their leftist agenda.
And, just as in the days of the KKK, such violations of basic civil rights today are being upheld by corrupt activist judges.
A century ago, judges, favoring the political correctness of their day over authentic justice, upheld as legitimate the discriminatory laws and practices of the Jim Crow South.
Today their judicial descendants have given legal cover to the imposition of the ever-evolving standards of political correctness, even when such impositions are in direct violation of the law and of the principles of authentic justice.
Sadly, if such unjust and illegal collusion is not decisively ended, the days of our Republic as the land of the free are numbered.
Sincerely yours,
Fr. Thomas R. Collins
Shady Lane, Hot Springs