Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
February 13, 1932
91 Years Ago
Chinese Amazons Who Fought Japanese
Following the example of the famous “Battalion of Death,” in which Russian women fought during the World War, these Chinese women have attached themselves to the army that is defending Shanghai and Woosung against the Japanese invaders. A body of women similar to those shown in the photo below were recently reported as having made a brave stand against a Japanese attack. Armed with old-fashioned rifles and long bayonets, they successfully repulsed several attacks by a Japanese landing party.
February 13, 1962
61 Years Ago
Audience Joins Singing At High School Concert
A large crowd estimated at 550 attended last night’s highly successful and entertaining “pop” concert by the Covington High School Band at the school auditorium under the direction of Mrs. Nell Fleshman. For the first time, the concert showed the “Sing Along With Mitch” influence as the audience was invited to join the band’s vocalists in singing several selections.
February 13, 1987
36 Years Ago
- Officials Question Motive In Mayor’s Call
What Covington Mayor Jack Jamison describes as a progress check on City Manager Mike Mahaney was more akin to a fishing expedition on Mahaney’s job performance according to Somerset, Pa., council members. Jamison recently telephoned Somerset Councilman Luther Brubaker for information on Mahaney’s tenure as borough manager there.
February 13, 2012
11 Years Ago
Three Local Athletes Receive All-State Honors
Three local area athletes were recently honored by the Virginia High School Coaches Association (VHSCA) with all-state honors. Bath County’s Mitchell Stinespring and Covington’s Lucas Via were named to the first team All-Group A Football team. Bath County’s Amanda Shifflett was named first-team All-Group A volleyball team.