Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
February 1, 1932
91 Years Ago
Spanked By Hubby
Seeking separate maintenance on an $8,000 yearly basis, Mrs. Hazel Rushmore, of Newark, N.J., testified in the Chancery Court that her 63-year-old husband, Samuel Willis Rushmore, an inventor, took her across his knee and spanked her. Her husband answered the charge with the accusation that Mrs. Rushmore was addicted to dining not wisely, but too well, in the homes of their neighbors. He is suing said neighbors for $60,000.
February 1, 1962
61 Years Ago
Improvements Noted In Science Class At Covington High School
Covington High School science students, hampered for years by the lack of enough workstations in the chemistry and physics laboratory for more than 20 students at a time will be using approximately $5,600 worth of new equipment for the rest of the year. Ralph Mtez, CHS chemistry and physics teacher, said the new equipment will make teaching these courses easier by providing the students with better facilities for their laboratory work.
February 1, 1987
36 Years Ago
Betsy Arritt Is This Year’s Valentine Queen
This year’s Valentine Queen for Xi Delta Epsilon Sorority is Betsy Arritt. Betsy, her husband David and Family, reside on Carolton Drive, Covington, where she is a homemaker and helps part-time in her husband’s business at Arritt Funeral Home. She will be crowned at the Covington Moose Lodge during the annual Valentine’s Dance on Saturday, Feb. 7th.
February 1, 2012
11 Years Ago
Debra Carter Given First Ever CARE Spirit Award By AHCS
Debra Carter, RN, MSN, has been presented with the first ever CARE Spirit Award. The award, which was created by Alleghany Highlands Community Services, included a $500 savings bond, an engraved glass trophy, lapel pin and recognition from AHCS. The award is intended to recognize an AHCS employee who has made a significant contribution to the benefit of ACHS, an individual or the community and the activity for which they are being recognized generally demonstrates excellence or exceeds their normal job responsibilities.